Cub Camping And Shooting Sports Adventure

Cub Camping And Shooting Sports Adventure

Our spring camp out was an amazing success. Many of our leaders trained as range masters with the BSA and won us the opportunity to utilize the archery and BB gun ranges at Cub World. This was a welcome add with our scouts and they appreciated the event.

Some notes from the event –

  1. My coffee pot took some damage. I am the officially coffee maker for camp and I take my job seriously. As such my equipment is an important aspect of what I do. My large pot’s lid seems to become unattached to the lid. The only way to fix this would be some kind of brazing or a screw. I am leaning towards a bolt and nut.
  2. The cots were great. We upgraded from the air mattresses that we normally used. I actually prefer the air mattresses although they are a pain when they deflate (three of our four had holes in them) and if you are on un-level ground you slide right off. They are also fairly cold without a pad underneath. The flip side is that space wise they are more compact than the cots.
  3. My swimming work paid off walking up cardiac hill. I got to the top and had plenty of breath left. I was actually pretty happy about it.
  4. The outdoor toilets really need some work. I think the next time we come up I am going to bring a garden hose to spray out the crappers and install some new toilet seats.
  5. Food was delicious. Cleanup went great. Fire was fun. This was awesome!
Cub World Spring 2024 Campout
Cub World Spring 2024 Campout