Captain’s Log Star Date 2024.04.26

Captain’s Log Star Date 2024.04.26

I am back at it again. I started off the week by spending the entire Sunday looking at my son’s computer. He loves playing Minecraft and we’ve been installing mods on his PC for the Java edition. For whatever reason we cannot get his mods to work anymore. I’ve completely reinstalled Minecraft and cleared any .minecraft files out, made sure Java isn’t an issue, and re-downloaded the mods. It just wants to crash over and over again. I am not entirely sure what to do, and ChatGPT is out of answers.

As far as courses go, I hit the books hard this past week, or should I say online courses rather. I finished A Cloud Guru’s “Beginner’s Guide To Containers and Orchestration”. It was somewhat helpful in that it explained what Containers do but it didn’t dive too deep into the technicalities of it. I would like to know more about Containers and build a project that uses them.

I also started Udemy’s “Complete Agile Scrum Master Certification Training.” I’ve decided to get a certification in Scrum as I want to understand it more. I’ve never learned the method as my formal education was in SDLC/Waterfall project management. It seems most of what I am trying to learn is everything from the Agile method that’s happened since I was in school 15 years ago. This is mostly things like DevOps and CI/CD pipelines that sprang up, as well as Cloud. So much has changed it kind of caught me by surprise when I started digging back into it.

Finally, I am finally building my own project in Python! I am creating an RSS Reader. I chose it because I still like blogs (I write one) and I think RSS is a good technology. I don’t really trust online tools anymore or want to pay for features on subscriptions anymore so I am just going to build my own. Here is the first set of code for it below. I will also Open Source it on GitHub so I’ll get to learn that process here soon also.

Python Code First Iteration Of RSS Feedparser
Python Code First Iteration Of RSS Feedparser
First Output Of RSS Feedparser
First Output Of RSS Feedparser