Captain’s Log Star Date 2024.04.19

Captain’s Log Star Date 2024.04.19

This was another slow week on the technology training front. I was off work the previous week and took a break from screens during that time and spent the entire time working on or in the house. This week was catch up for me all around my domain, so I just read a lot of tech news. This was a big week in tech news, and I am still trying to figure out the future of AI in the work force. I am starting to lean more on the augmentation than replacement factor. I greatly augment my own work with it and it’s sped me leaps and bounds. To show how much I rely on it, every one of the images I include as the featured image on my posts are from OpenAI.

Just because I’m not posting about technology this week that it doesn’t mean I am not reading. I have a few books that are not tech related and a few other learning projects underway. As such, I’ve created a new Notebook and I’ll post about my readings on there. I am also considering a new blog post line about analysis or trends or something, as I like to write about those things and for some reason have a knack for picking new ones out (I am an analyst I suppose).

Back to it next week, I am sure of it.

DALL·E 2024-05-03 12.07.25 - Create an image of a broken down computer in an empty office space. The office is depicted as a stark, minimalist area with a solitary desk and chair
DALL·E 2024-05-03 12.07.25 – Create an image of a broken down computer in an empty office space. The office is depicted as a stark, minimalist area with a solitary desk and chair