Ikea, Starlite Drive In, Cincinnati Zoo

Ikea, Starlite Drive In, Cincinnati Zoo


I know shopping at Ikea isn’t a big deal, but for us it meant a turning point at our house. We split our boys up into their own room so we needed to purchase some furniture. We bought one a new desk and a shelf, and myself a shelf. We like those four by four shelves they sell, they hold so much stuff and look cool. This was just me and L for the trip. We enjoyed spending time alone together even if it meant only for a few hours. We stopped by the cafeteria and had lunch. I used to eat up here a lot when I worked in the area. The food was really tasty. I enjoyed what I ordered and was stuff. I also brought home a bottle of that loganberry concentrate and a bottle. The boys really liked that too!

Starlite Drive In

It isn’t the end of winter until we go to Starlite. They played a double feature, Kung Fu Panda and Godzilla versus Kong. The evening was really nice. We also purchased a few air mattresses for the back which made it really comfortable for the boys. We usually eat dinner there too and the food was good. What we were surprised to find out though was that the ice cream shop was closed! They absolutely have THE best soft serve in the area. We were bumbed. The movies were fun though.

Cincinnati Zoo

We timed Zoo Blooms perfectly. Lots of beautiful tulips to see. There was a nice size crowd here also. We purchased some new hats this year, I really like the design of them. Mine has a rhino on it and Ben’s has a silverback gorilla. Ted did not opt for one, he is not much of a hat wearer. We also went and saw quite a bit of the zoo today. I am excited to also see what happens with the new elephant exhibit. It looks to be coming along fairly nicely and will be a great addition to the Cincinnati Zoo.

Swedish Meatballs, Smoked Salmon, At Ikea
Swedish Meatballs, Smoked Salmon, At Ikea
Zoo Blooms at Cincinnati Zoo
Zoo Blooms at Cincinnati Zoo
White Handed Gibbon at Cincinnati Zoo
White Handed Gibbon at Cincinnati Zoo
Kung Fu Panda At Starlite Drive In
Kung Fu Panda At Starlite Drive In
Kung Fu Panda At Starlite Drive In
Kung Fu Panda At Starlite Drive In