Trip To The Cincinnati Zoo, Chat GPT, Consulting Firm Launch

Trip To The Cincinnati Zoo, Chat GPT, Consulting Firm Launch

Trip To The Cincinnati Zoo

I wanted to make my 2024 resolution going to the Cincinnati Zoo once a month. I made a massive mistake in January in scheduling it for the last weekend of the month, and our schedule couldn’t swing it. No worries, this trip made up for that missed opportunity. The best time to visit the Cincinnati Zoo is during that oddball warm day that pops in mid-winter. The animals are tired of being cooped up and the chance for some sunshine and exercise makes them really happy.

We had a banger of a day, which we were able to enjoy with my wife’s family and all of their children. The zoo with children really is the best so of course I wanted to be there. I really wish I would’ve brought my DSLR though, the pics would’ve been the best. The attached pictures were merely shot with my iPhone 13 so you can image with a better lens what I could have captured.

Chat GPT

I am in love with Chat GPT! I honestly really needed a leg up in my career progression. I made my goal this year to double down on my technical skills and Chat is helping me get there. I’ve learned so much and I’m learning faster. Sometimes when you read a technical document or take a course there are foundational concepts you may not have, and Chat gets me going on it. I am super impressed with the service, but I also think people are taking it way out of context.

Doesn’t it seem like every company got on the AI bandwagon in an instant? This stuff was always there, nobody really cared about 3.5 or LLMs in general until the public got their hands on it. Now everything is AI, but I don’t think many people really understand what it does and what it can do.

Consulting Firm Launch

Launching my own business is always in my back pocket, and I decided to form an LLC and create a side business I could work on and have something ready for any side work that might come my way. I am launching Stablewatch Solutions LLC this quarter. I already have the website and next I just to form the LLC paperwork and start hammering out a website. I suspect I will put in some services that involve ETL consulting, possibly in the healthcare sector. I see a lot of opportunity there. The thing I saw working in this field is that A) they don’t pay enough to their non-clinical technical people to get anyone of value B) they dump big money to consulting firms for things they should’ve handled in house. They also have mountains of data available to them and tools that are kind of rotting away because nobody knows how to maintain them. Hence, I’ll see if I can get any work in that field. I’ll also build out a cloud infrastructure program and work with small professional services that want to move past using Google spreadsheets to manage everything.

Fiona The Hippo at Cincinnati Zoo
Fiona The Hippo at Cincinnati Zoo
African Painted Dog
African Painted Dog
Gorilla At Cincinnati Zoo
Gorilla At Cincinnati Zoo