Pumpkin Carving, Halloween Display, Halloween

Pumpkin Carving, Halloween Display, Halloween

Pumpkin Carving

We’ve added a new tradition in our family in carving pumpkins. We purchased them at Kroger’s, which had a great selection. We’ve not been going to pumpkin patches much, that seems like a pre-pandemic thing now. In fact I’m not sure what pumpkin patches are still around. I know the one we went to down the road from us is closed now. But honestly, those were kind of a pain and not cheap. But, it’s about the kids anyway I guess. I do like how we did this now, which is having the boys and their cousins get together and carve a pumpkin. I have to remember to get one for their aunt who enjoyed doing it also!

Halloween Display

I’ve been diligently working on my Halloween display this year. It crept up on me of course, so I decided to bite the bullet and invest in a better display. This ended up being a ton of work! I first needed a way to display ghouls so I purchased three dummies from E-Bay. I put masks on them and a cloak. I then taped LED lights so their eyes glowed. I put two candelabras on a stand and hung lights from the garage frame. I then installed three smoke machines and my LED lights. I put up a some black plastic tablecloths as a background. My LED demon blanket didn’t come in time but next year that will be an added bonus. I will most likely leave the brackets in for next year, or maybe take them out, I am not sure yet. I’d also like to add more to the yard, perhaps a witch scene? Right now my entire decor is centered around demons and I like that theme. I don’t like adding a bunch of plastic crap to the yard. I like to make things instead because customization is how you can express originality.


It was fairly cold outside and the crowds were really down because of it. I end up going through several ten gallon buckets of candy and I barely made it through one. I am not sure what is going on here. Ever since the pandemic Halloween doesn’t seem like much of a thing anymore unfortunately. The display was a hit though, I did find that I had to ditch the scary background music, kids were just too afraid to come up the driveway. Funny thing, I didn’t change anything with the display but the moment I added Disney music as the background (instead of the howling backwards talking demon soundtrack) kids started coming up and getting their picture taken in front of my display! I honestly teared up thinking about how my display was making so many people happy. I heard kids talking about how my house was their favorite! I was bursting with pride for sure.

One thing I did hear was that the scary clown house up the street is no longer doing it, I think they moved? What a shame, however, this did make my house the best on our street! I guess I won through forfeiture? I’ll take it.

Working Out My Halloween Display
Working Out My Halloween Display
Pumpkin Carving
Pumpkin Carving
My Halloween Display
My Halloween Display