Den Meeting, Pack Meeting, Day Hike

Den Meeting, Pack Meeting, Day Hike

Den Meeting

Our den meeting was at SVA and consisted of us earning our next adventure pin which involved physical fitness. I had the scouts go through an obstacle course in the school’s outside park, then did various exercises/races/jumping jacks etc. They challenged me to a push up competition and I smoked all of them. Don’t confuse my age with feebleness boys! They are well on their way to earning all of their required pins by the time they reach our Blue and Gold ceremony. I am really proud of them and they are fun to be around. I am glad I get to be in their lives.

Pack Meeting

Our pack meeting was our annual Halloween carnival and it was a blast. There were plenty of games to play and lots of participation. Leslie and I made some games up and the kids enjoyed playing those, but the Bears also brought a lot of fun stuff to do. Everyone seemed to have fun. Our pack is really coming together!

Day Hike

Our first day hike as a pack and our scouts earned another pin. It was a beautiful fall day. I did mess up and added an extra loop in our hike that extended it past the 3 mile3 I had planned. Not all the scouts were happy about it, one was pretty mad! Some were super into it though but everyone finished it at the end. Hey, sometimes the best ability is availability! This also wraps up an intense scouting time as we pack as much as we can before the winter months set in.

Day Hike at Fox Run Park
Day Hike at Fox Run Park
Halloween Party Cub Scouts
Halloween Party Cub Scouts
Halloween Party Cub Scouts
Halloween Party Cub Scouts