Sports, Sports, Sports, Activities, Dinner Out

Sports, Sports, Sports, Activities, Dinner Out

We spent the entire weekend running around. Tee ball, basketball, soccer, Church youth group, friends play date, and finally dinner for our anniversary. My brother came over and watched the boys for us so we could go out for a very rare date night. I can’t believe how busy this weekend was, it was literally the Super Bowl of activities. I am thankful that we have the time and resources to do these things for our boys but we are being ran ragged it seems. I could use some down time just to regroup and decide what direction I should go in next. Luckily though soccer, basketball, and tee ball are winding down whereas scouts is just starting to wind up again!

Part of what keeps us busy is maybe my belief that when I was a kid life was fairly boring. There wasn’t much resources available for extracurriculars, including money and most importantly time when I was a kid. I am thankful for the hard work my mom put in for us but living where we did and how we did came at the expense of not being able to do much as a child. I think the only hobby I had at that time was watching my siblings while my mom worked. That might be why we involve our kids in so much, I just want them to grow and be talented. That does come with a cost but it is worth it. Did I add that Teddy is now playing the violin?

Uncle Ryan and Ben
Uncle Ryan and Ben
Soccer Pictures 2023 Fall
Soccer Pictures 2023 Fall
Playing Basketball
Playing Basketball