Kenton County Fair, Kings Island

Kenton County Fair, Kings Island

Kenton County Fair

We visited the Kenton County Fair this year. This was one of the first times I’ve visited in many years. This was the go to event of the summer for us country kids. It is a lot smaller than what I remember. We did go around and peak into the barns and see the different animals on display. The weather was shaping up to be bad so some of the vendors weren’t even open, including the corn guy which bummed me out. It’s really hard to down play how much I looked forward to the fair every year, especially the demolition derby. I thought that was the coolest thing possible. When I was a teenager we’d go down into the pits and see friends whose dads were driving or working on cars down there, especially one whose dad was really into racing and seemed to know everyone there. I learned how to pour gasoline down into a carburetor to get an engine started there.

My wife did win some awards in the judging competition. Her quilt, jam, and bread won a ribbon. That was a fun time! I think she’ll try again next year. There are some categories with no entrants so maybe I’ll pick some goof ball one and put something in it and win a fancy ribbon, or maybe Best in Show!

Kings Island

One of my few trips to Kings Island this year it seems. We brought my nephew up so he could ride with my sons. They had some fun and liked the new themed area that was added last year. Everything in the park is really nice and clean and we had a nice day although it didn’t last long. It seems my nephew was a little more afraid of rides and didn’t want to ride much so we ended up leaving per his request. Perhaps we can come back when he’s a little more comfortable on roller coasters.


A Handsome Fella At Kenton County Fair
A Handsome Fella At Kenton County Fair
Winning Prizes At Kenton County Fair
Winning Prizes At Kenton County Fair
Riding The New Barrel Ride At Kings Island
Riding The New Barrel Ride At Kings Island
Kings Island Eifel Tower
Kings Island Eifel Tower