Cub Scout Rocket Launch and Fishing, Chuck E Cheese, Summer Pool

Cub Scout Rocket Launch and Fishing, Chuck E Cheese, Summer Pool

Cub Scout Rocket Launch and Fishing

We had our annual rocket launch and fishing day at a local supporter’s home this year. Their bass pond is well stocked and all of the scouts caught fish. The rocket launch was also a “blast” although I kind of want to do away with the chemical launchers at some point. I am not entirely sure they are safe and I am aware of a water pump system using plastic bottles that we could use instead. We had a few “close calls” where loose rockets fell over and got a little too close for comfort. I will find out if the scouts and parents agree and we’ll look at this later down the road.

Chuck E Cheese

I took Ben to Chuck E. Cheese for some me and him time. I feel like we’ve been so busy, especially with his brother’s activities, that we’ve not been able to be together just the two of us. We’ve talked about Chuck E. Cheese whenever we pass it and so I carved out some time for us to go. I wasn’t sure how CEC would survive the pandemic but they seem to find a nice that makes a little more sense for them. They look to be specifically geared towards the pre-school crowd. Their games are all geared to their height and they use a time based system instead of tokens so it’s easier for younger ones to manage. I actually really like the layout and what they’re trying to accomplish here. Little guys need their own place as there just aren’t many in the area give that Dave and Buster’s isn’t really designed for them, although they really want to partake.

Summer At The Pool

I finally found my way to Silverlake to kick off the swimming season. I am glad we have access here and we’re at a point that we don’t have to actively watch our oldest son anymore. It takes some pressure off of us when we’d have to split up with one at the kiddie pool and the other at the big pool. Teddy is now big enough to where we can let him play with his friends and not have to be within arm’s reach of him. Ben still needs to wear his puddle jumper but he’s wanting to spend more time in the bigger pool so we no longer have to split up anymore. The end of “hyper-vigilance”, which is the most exhausting part of parenting, seems to be transitioning out for us.


Fishing and Rocket Day With Cub Scouts
Fishing and Rocket Day With Cub Scouts
Chuck E Cheese 2023
Chuck E Cheese 2023
Summer Swimming At Silverlake
Summer Swimming At Silverlake