Cub-O-Ree, Fall Sports Season, Phew

Cub-O-Ree, Fall Sports Season, Phew


Cub Family Weekend, also known as Cub-O-Ree, was a success. We came with a massive group of scouts, so many that we were given our own camp spot. There was lots to do and everyone enjoyed themselves it seemed. The camp went off without a hitch with everyone pitching in. I even got to see some of my fellow Wood Badge participants who were volunteering there! One important note, the leader of the entire operation is an old friend of mine. To think we are both in scouting at this level after becoming friends twenty years ago is incredible!

Fall Sports Season

Ben is playing basketball this season in the local church league. He seems to be more engaged in sports and so we are trying him out a few things. We are also doing baseball this fall with him so splitting his time between the two and Teddy’s soccer is beyond busy. We are out almost every night of the week and through the entire weekend, and we are only at the youth sports level. I love these guys though and it is fun watching them explore life and to see what grows out of them playing. I do think sports are important, although I think youth sports is being mismanaged and being made less enjoyable by adults. Monetizing kids sports is crazy to me, and these travel teams and tryouts and sports training for 8 year olds is completely bonkers. We wonder why kids don’t play outside, or go to skating rinks, or the other things kids used to do. They are too busy! I do blame this on the parents though, who are putting immense amounts of pressure on kids to specialize in sports earlier at the cost of everything else. If sports are the only means you’ll have of sending your kids to college then just stop. There is way more money in academic scholarships, so if that is your goal hire a tutor instead of a hitting coach for your child.

Also parents really need to back off coaches and referees. Seeing parents chew out refs from the sidelines is bonkers to me also. I even saw a coach get red carded at a youth soccer game this year! Can you believe that, he was being so nasty the ref sent him to his car! I think referees have had enough, and the only people willing to coach kids want a paycheck to do it, hence $3500 club fees and tryouts. It is ridiculous!


I just added this piece because I am coming off one of the busiest few weeks of my life and there are a few more upcoming. Part of me feels overwhelmed with it all, but part of me remembers when my life wasn’t that interesting and so I accept the pace and am thankful for it. I realize this is temporary, one day my kids will be grown and gone and I will look back at these days fondly so I am cherishing them as much as I can. However, I feel like I am falling behind everywhere else and could use some time to catch up on personal things if possible, like studying for work certifications or pursuing my own hobbies (some of which haven’t seen the light of day in years). For example, I can’t remember the last time I casted my fly rod or even tied a fly. It’s been way too long!

Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend
Cub Family Weekend