Last Pool Day, An Old Friend, First Campfire Of Fall

Last Pool Day, An Old Friend, First Campfire Of Fall

Last Pool Day

We visited Silverlake for our last outdoor pool day of the year. Our neighborhood pool closes this weekend too, and although Silverlake is open one more weekend in the year we have plans from here on out. I really wish planners in our area would spread events out over the year more. It’s like every weekend in fall there are four or five things to do, and some weekends during the summer nothing much at all. I understand it is hot outside, and the falls here, at least the six weeks or so that we get, are the most pleasant of the year. However, why stack everything up all at once?

An Old Friend

Incredible to see an Airtron van in the driveway. I worked for this company at one point and I still have friends there. I called upon them as I found us in the unenviable position of losing our air conditioning as we looked down at a very hot Labor Day Weekend. I was pretty sure the evaporator coils needed replaced, as I found ice on the line and the coils. I tried letting it defrost and firing it back up again after cleaning the coils and changing the air filter out again, but it again iced up.

My first call was not to Airtron, but another local company I see in the neighborhood a lot. They were booked out for like two months, which was incredible to me, and a little off putting, so I decided to give Airtron a call. I’ve seen more of their trucks in this neighborhood and I learned they purchased Del Monde, the company that originally installed our heating and air equipment, so I assumed they were actively servicing the area. I’d always argued they should operate more in northern Kentucky and stop focusing so much on the Dayton market, and it looks like that’s come to pass. They were able to send out a technician the very next day!

The tech was incredible. Although we didn’t work together, we knew a lot of the same people. Some of my old co-workers moved into leadership positions, which I was thrilled to hear. A few I wasn’t sure should be in leadership left, which I also thought was good to hear. Within a day an installer came out and replaced the coils and I received a good price on the labor and parts.

I honestly enjoyed working at this company and would return if able. I don’t foresee that happening as their office moved even further north, and I wouldn’t be able to fit that in without actually physically moving our family there. But, it’s nice to leave good impressions at places and I am thankful I was able to reminisce some on the old days.

First Campfire Of Fall

We had my nephew over for a visit and started a small campfire in the backyard to roast S’mores. It was a nice night, although a little hot outside still. I am really looking forward to camping this year as we have quite a few trips planned for this fall.


Our Last Pool Day At Silverlake Family Center
Our Last Pool Day At Silverlake Family Center
Airtron Van In The Driveway
Airtron Van In The Driveway